Dance In School

- All individuals have the right to dance and experience the joy it gives to play in the dance with themselves and others!

and all souls should be given the opportunity to catch a wave of sound, and to get up and surf freely without restrictions.

- I Focuses on Creative Releasing Dance to Electronic Trance Music...

To find our own dance and learn to collaborate on a dance floor where everyone is his own master and where ther are no predetermined rules for how to move.
This creates:
- Improved Self-Esteem.
- Improved Group Dynamics.
- Physical and mental wellbeing.
- Strong individuals who can resist Neggative peer pressure from the syciety and authorities

For 3 weeks in the end of November and the beginning of December 2010, Kolbjörn and Milene had dances with classes 7,8-9, and gymnasiet (high scool)  1 lesson per class and weeke. We was setting up for a smiler party with lights, backdrops, candle and speakers! then we played and made exercises and to strengthen the cohesion of the group and to get the kids to trust themselves and the comrades! We could see and feel a clear change in the groups and individuals, as the weeks progressed.


Comments from Practitioners

  •  - I have more energy and are more alert than I usually am after the gymnastics!"
  •  - It's cool that we can do something like this on lesson time!"
  •  - a bit weird to have lessons in dancing as you want, you can not do wrong!


Nice Lektion / Lova (Nice Lesson/ Lova)

We want to continue going around in schools and teach dance, so if your school i interesting please contact [email protected]

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